Sunday, March 20, 2011


I’m restless until I rest in You.

I find myself quieting my soul lately so that I can truly see, truly hear, truly feel. Life moves incredibly fast and so often I feel restless, unable to be still and know He is God.

Anxieties weigh heavy on us. Commitments pull at us from every side. We constantly feel that we will never “catch up”. I lose sight of my priorities all the time. I am a Christian first; a wife second; a mother third; a photographer fourth; and so on. As the German philosopher, Goethe, once said, “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”

Still my heart.

This has been my silent prayer as of late. I don’t want to go through life on autopilot. I desire to do the will of the One I was created by, through and for. This means intentionally living a life that mirrors what is in my heart.

On a practical level, it means seeing the opportunities He has given for a quiet spirit. I could be upset that my little baby waking up four times last night meant for us no church this morning. But, today, I see the beautiful time I have now to be quiet and still before Him as my sweet boy sleeps.

St. Augustine once wrote “Our souls are restless until they find their rest in Thee.” What a profound truth. Isn’t that the way we feel when we are honest and look deeply into ourselves? No amount of external success, financial security or sheer popularity will sincerely satisfy and still our restlessness. We can try. But we often end up feeling more empty then when we began. That is because we were created for more. We were made for something far more substantial. It isn’t found within- it is found when we realize we are nothing without… Him.

So how does this relate to photography? It has everything to do with it. I see the world through a beautiful filter called faith. It directs my sight. It makes sounds of life sweeter. It enables me to feel in a vibrant way. I live life with an anchor known as the Almighty. He is the only reason I can see beauty and then He gives me the privilege of photographing it.

May this day be one where I am still and know.


  1. I love this post Kate.... So true.... You helped remind me to lean on God in the troubled times and most important ALWAYS... So true Christian first,, Wife second, Mother third etc...... God Blessed you with a wonderful talent.... but most important you have a wonderful spirit and soul..... you are a Blessing to many.... You Blessed me more than you know--- THANK YOU!!!!!

  2. Michele,

    Thank you so much for your kind words; they mean a lot. Thank you for being a wonderful women yourself! :)
