Saturday, March 19, 2011

In about a month, I will be entering the beginning of busy season. At that point, this blog will be featuring wedding, grad and family portraits from the many sessions I am honored to be a part of. Until then, I thought I would share a little more personally. Photography is such a subjective profession; so much of my heart and soul goes into the finished product. I love that you can have the exact same set of variables- same subject, location, lighting, etc, and two different photographers will create VASTLY different images. Anyway, being that it is so personal, I thought a few more personal posts would be fun…

Spring has sprung?

We are born into harsh winters. Massive snowstorms. Cabin Fever. Persevering through months of below freezing temperatures. This is the stuff Minnesotans are made of. But I think I speak for all of us when I say this winter was especially brutal- which makes this spring weather especially wonderful! It has been a motivating factor in getting out there and…dare I say it, running!

After having my baby boy about 7 months ago, I have not been exercising regularly at all. Gym membership seemed unreasonable for me and I get so bored with workout DVD’s. I am currently about to head out for my 5th run in 8 days. For me, the “couch potato to 5k “plan has been perfect- and I am even starting to enjoy the experience. I think part of me is writing this for the world to see to ensure I stick to this commitment. So, if you don’t mind, would you lovingly hold me accountable? I want to emphasize the lovingly part. :)
Here is to spring and getting outdoors! Have a blessed day!