Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Two Years Ago...

Two years ago I took a leap of faith and quit my job. I went from doing photography part time to full time and hoped that with a lot of hard work and passion, the business would build. The odds were against me; we had just moved to the area and knew virtually no one, the economy was sinking deeper into a recession and I was lacking confidence in my work as an artist. Still, here I am, two years later and thanking God that I took that risk and became an entrepreneur.
I read recently that the photography industry is the most saturated profession in the US right now. Everyone knows a photographer. This makes the fact that my business is growing even more astounding to me. I know that it is a gift and it is one I don’t take for granted. I am privileged to have incredible clients that very often become wonderful friends. I am honored that I am asked to capture some of their most important moments and blown away by the relationships that develop as a result.
So, thank you friends, for allowing me to contribute to the community through the art of photography. And for allowing my son to grow up with a mom who truly loves what she does. If I have to be away from him for a few hours, there are few things I would rather be doing.
Here is where two of my passions meet: My son, Isaiah and photography:

Full of gratitude,

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