Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Bucket List/Desires of my Heart

Happy winter everyone! It is a beautiful January day! The sun is shining and it was warm enough to go sledding with my sweet little one year old just before nap time, (for him, not for me!). The last week has been great- I am catching up on administrative tasks and getting geared up for my 2012!

I thought I would create and share my 'bucket' list with you! Perhaps I can look back on this in the coming years and cross off a few as well as add some new ones. As I write this, I know that ultimately, I desire God's will and plans for my life and chances are, some of these things are not within His plan- but it is still fun to hope and then lay it at His feet, whatever the outcome!

Marry the love of my life
Run a 10K and Half Marathon
Visit Scotland and photograph the highlands
Photograph a wedding (or two!) in Europe
Visit Italy- and soak up every moment!
Visit Germany and Austria
Stay in Eze, France
Become a mama
Write poetry again
Ski in Colorado
Own a Business
Learn a new language (Italian!)

You don't have to be a genius to notice i love to travel and am quite taken with Europe... I realize most, if not all of these will be nearly impossible in the next few years. I write 'nearly' carefully and intentionally as I never would have dreamt in a million years that I would have traveled to Italy this past year!

There are many more, I am sure...but for now I need to cease day dreaming of what could be and work for what is. :)

Enjoy the sunshine and warm(er) temps today, friends!


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