Thursday, January 5, 2012

11 Lessons learned in 2011

( in no particular order)

11. I am a Mac girl at heart. The last month made this a no-brainer. My lovely PC whom I depend on greatly given my profession, crashed a million times over for the past few weeks. I bit the bullet and spent the money to get an incredible Mac. Although it’s an adjustment, I have no doubt it is better in every way for me. Plus, my husband’s life will be a little more pleasant now that his wife isn’t completely stressed out about the PC situation. ☺

10. Life is short. Live and love fully. I learn and relearn this one each and every year. We lost my husband’s dear uncle this year and also my amazing grandpa. It reminded me that I need to make every moment count and really invest in those relationships I so treasure.

9. I love to travel. After not being on a plane for many years, I flew some 11 hours to Italy and spent 10 glorious days traveling, photographing, ministering and falling head over heals for this country. It was a beautiful opportunity that I will never forget. The experiences are ingrained upon my heart forever.

8. I love my boys. Ok, I knew this always but it is just further developed each and every year. Nothing is better to me then hanging out with my husband and my adorable one-year old son. The sheer delight and joy we experience as a family when playing ‘chase’ or reading or going for a long walk together is nothing short of wonderful to me. Watching my husband parent Isaiah each day makes me admire, respect and love him more than the day before. And getting to see my son’s growing personality is like a beautiful miracle to me. What sweet blessings from God.

7. I need to slow down. I tried to do it all this year. Full-time stay at home mom and full-time business owner. Of course that isn’t really possible and many things fell between the cracks including time with my beloved husband and getting enough sleep. These are essentials and so we have realized that I need to make time to SLOW down. I literally need to schedule times of rest and force myself to take a day off from working each week. It is a new years resolution of sorts and a commitment to myself and family- but moreover to God. Winter is a time that usually yields a bit of rest for me and so, in about a week, I expect to enjoy several days off after nearly 7 months of essentially no breaks.

6. Having said all that, I REALLY love my job. I have always loved photography and been so honored and humbled by the fact I get to do it for a living. But this year I feel I grew a lot as a person and a photographer. I SO enjoy the relationships I develop and the reality that I get to tell their story through this art. Thank you so much for your love and support- 2012 looks to be another super year with several weddings and sessions already lined up.

5. God is my rock. We faced quite a bit of uncertainty for my sweet son’s health and future this year. There were a dozen doctor appointments and I became all to familiar with Children’s Hospital and U of M hospital. There is still not a definitive answer but I am learning to Trust. Our lives are always in God’s hands, whether we realize it or not…and my son’s condition only makes me more aware of the grace given to have the days we do.

4. Good friends are like sunshine on a cloudy, cold day. They warm your spirit, they encourage you to persevere when you feel like giving up and they love you on your good and bad days. I am so thankful to have many amazing friends that made the challenging times of 2011 ones of growth, and even joy.

3. A heart full of gratitude is amazing. A heart pouring out thankfulness to the One who gives the gifts is life-changing. I am currently reading the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp and it is one of the best books I have ever read. She writes with a graceful transparency and truth that encourages you to change. I hope this lesson sticks around way past 2011.

It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.

-Charles Haddon Spurgeon

2. Laughter is medicine to the soul. You’ve heard it a hundred times but laughing with my boys together literally makes my heart sing. I often mentally freeze these moments in my mind and store them in my soul so that they’re never forgotten. These little things are what make life beautiful and worth living.

1. Hiking big mountains reveals big gifts. Some of you may know, but I went through a period of several years of illness. I had mono severely and then a terrible case of Lyme’s Disease that left my immune system ravaged and my whole body hurting for years. But somehow, all that improved dramatically with my pregnancy with Isaiah. This year I was able to get back into running and even hiked a gorgeous mountain along the Italian coast. It was a moment that held great significance to me. It was a gift from God that I had given up on. It was an unexpected and beautiful reminder of God’s faithfulness and goodness.

I see that 2011 was a year like most others- filled with many sweet blessings and several hardships… and yet through all of it, I can say I am thankful and my heart is full of gratitude- gratitude to you, my friends and clients, gratitude to my family and closest friends and most of all, gratitude to my God.

Happy New Year!

(picture by Karen Feder!)

1 comment:

  1. Kate
    What a beautiful recap of your year. I miss you terribly and we must schedule a time this spring to visit you!! Maybe I can give you a call sometime soon. Happy holidays and may god bless you in 2012
