Friday, September 28, 2012

Class of 2013: Brittney

     They traveled from over an hour away and she came with a bright smile and glowing eyes.  Strikingly beautiful on and the outside and what was more, on the inside as well.  Brittney was at ease in front of the camera.  She was a natural in every sense and I wanted to keep photographing her far beyond her session time.  The images that came from our time together were some of my favorites from any grad session!  I LOVE it when they want to include some fun props- including my own umbrella- and she owned each and every outfit.  Whether laughing, smiling or showing off that killer dramatic look, Brittney shines.  Here is just a small look at her session:



  1. Of course her (Brittney's) Mom would have to be the 1st to post; Kate you captured Brittney's personality(s)so well. After your feature on "Kenzie & friends" & the head shaving event, there was no question in Britt's mind that we would make the drive to have you shoot her senior pictures. Thank you! Jill K.

  2. Jill! Thank you so much for your kind words! Britt was a total JOY to photograph and I am honored and thankful that you were willing to make the drive! Thank you! It is people like you guys that make me love what I do!
