I hugged her when I greeted her- which may have seemed strange when meeting someone for the first time- but when she said that they're a family of 'huggers' too and hugged me right back, I knew we were going to have a great time. I couldn't have been more right!
This family of five is not only beautiful, they are sweet and adorable and kind too! Their three kids did an incredible job as we explored the Christmas Tree Farm with red chair, vintage sled, blankets a so much love! Their outfits looked like they had stepped right out of a J Crew catalog and their smiles radiated happiness and joy- a true reflection of their hearts. It is families like this that make me ADORE my job- the connections made and the memories captured are the things I love and that make me passionate about photography.
Here is a peek into our session:

Love them all but the kids on the sled are perfect.