Oh goodness- where do you even start when you're so excited about sharing something? I just was in 'photographer-heaven' this last week with Camille's session! It was a perfect summer evening- around 72 degrees, sunny and lovely in every way. Camille and I had talked about locations and decided upon the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden and Saint Anthony Main. We met at the big cherry in the spoon sculpture and the moment I saw her, I knew. I knew we were going to have a blast. She is beautiful; with a sweet smile and long, flowing hair- but she is also kind, easy-going, and she kept saying, "I trust you, Kate".
In all the ideas and excitement, we were able to laugh, explore what makes Minneapolis amazing, and capture a beautiful girl who, like me, has a love for all things vintage and lovely. Saint Anthony Main is officially now one of my top spots for photography- LOVED it. The character and charm was unreal. As a side note, I have to say, I know exactly where Camille gets her wonderful and kind personality from. Both of her parents joined us for her session and were the most amazing, helpful, great people! From her dad carrying one of the chairs to her mom holding the vintage luggage and more, they were fantastic!
Below is a small glimpse into her images- some of my favorite of all time. If the sun hadn't been setting, I am pretty sure we would have just kept going!

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