During the school year, our family time is so limited. With my husband teaching an hour away, constantly having new classes to prepare for and also getting his Masters and soon, working on his Principal License, as well as my own business, free time is a rarity and family time is very, very limited. That is why this summer has been such an incredible blessing! We have enjoyed walks, trips to the park, picnics, zoo trips, and most recently, a visit to the Children's Museum! We are soaking up the time with the four of us as September seems to be approaching so much faster than any of us want it to! So, in addition to a grad session, a large family shoot and a wedding this past week, we celebrated a toddler's creativity and love for learning by enjoying the museum...
The boys in the hammock just before we headed for St. Paul:
Everything is so magical and full of wonder as a child!

So thankful for these boys and the adventures we have with them! Happy Monday everyone!
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