Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Beauty that is Italy

Have you ever been so head-over-heals in love with a moment? Have you wanted to truly stop time and soak in every vivid color, each sweet sound, and the way it made your heart beat like the hoofs of a thousand horses? Or wanted to bottle all that is represented within the place and bring it home with you- because even the smallest portion would bring incredible joy? That was Italy for me.

All my life, as far back as I can remember, I was facinated with Italy. The culture, the language, the art, the landscapes, the people and the history just drew me in for years. My house is decorated with paintings featuring different Italian locations. I often talked of how, although I can't visit there, I can live vicariously through the artwork within my home. I own DVD's about traveling to Italy. Actually, it's slighly embarrassing how enthralled I was. Before I departed, before I kissed my sweet blonde boys on the cheeks and cried a few tears, my husband had mentioned how much he hoped the country lived up to my wild dreams. I came back telling him it somehow exceeded them. Not because it was perfect; traveling in a foreign land can be difficult at times. But because it was so raw, authentic, bold, and wonderful. Can you fall in love with a place? Because I think I did.

I am unable to expound much more than that at this time. Words don't seem to do it justice. God is working in my heart and a passion for this country and its people grows daily. Perhaps when its not days before Christmas, perhaps when there aren't deadlines for wonderful clients and the snow is falling heavily outside, I will have a chance to reflect, disect and understand exactly what it was the spoke so soundly to my soul.

Until then...

Here are a few images from my 10 days in photographer paradise. I LOVE my job and I LOVE my family, but I would seriously adore traveling a couple weeks a year to capture all that makes this world, that God so effortlessly forms, beautiful. If you know anyone looking, give them my number. :)


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