I love meeting new people. Part of my passion for photography stems from this love of people- and meeting these four was exceptional on all levels. They wanted the location to be special- a place with meaning to each of them- and the walking paths and park surrounding their home was the perfect location. The bridges over the marsh and pond areas were stunning- and such a great symbol for how this family continue to grow, change and soak up life to the fullest. Their dog, buddy was the best behaved little guy and he was happy to steal the spotlight every so often.
This family reminded me over and over again how blessed I am do this for a living. After our warm and humid session, they invited me into their home for a glass of water. Over an hour, and an amazing conversation later, I exited with a smile from ear to ear. Getting to know them was beautiful! One of my favorite moments was when I asked on of their engaging, articulate and gorgeous girls what their favorite thing is to do as a family. She answered a quick "our family dinners", and I was thrilled! While on the surface, this might seem like a simple thing- it really revealed to me that this family has a remarkable closeness and bond that is missing in many of our current-day family interactions. Schedules and busyness seem to the trump the ever-important tradition of having a meal together each day- and they embrace this time and make it a priority- and their girls are better for it! Here is a peek into this beautiful family and the bridges of Hennepin county!