Thursday, September 15, 2011

Becker Family: The Tillmann's +

When Kary called me to schedule this session, I was touched. She wanted to surprise her best friend with pictures of their kids together. Almost like siblings, these kids have grown side-by-side and experienced so much of life together.

I was also moved by Kary's continuous support. Since the very first month I took a risk and started my own business, she has had her children and her family photographed... she will never know how much it means to me.

So... HERE IS A LOOK INTO the latest shoot... with the Tillmann kids and their bonus siblings! The entire session was hilarious. Anytime you get 5 kids together, this is inevitable. Here are some of the highlights:

I'll end with my favorite... a little more candid.. and realistic! :)

1 comment:

  1. Crazy kids I tell ya....Great pics of them!
