Sunday, June 26, 2011

Maple Grove Wedding: Megan & Nick

He cracks the jokes and she laughs at (almost) every one. :)
Nick and Megan were meant for one another. They are both incredibly kind, thoughtful and have both inner and outer beauty. Their wedding day exemplified their love and thus, was just beautiful.
The following is a video highlighting a few of the images from their day. It was my hope, as always, to document their deep joy and true love on the day they said, " forever".

And here are a few of my absolute favorites! Congratultions Megan & Nick!

And they lived happily ever after... :)


  1. Kate, You have a gift. Outstanding job .

    Joe Daugherty
    Megan's Father

  2. Your photography is amazing, Kate! I wish we lived closer so we could take advantage of it ourselves!!
